Write an essay in which you tell the story of your progress (so far) towards acquiring the 7 habits of the creative mind and some of the practices and attitudes of experienced readers and writers.
You’ll need to look back at and reflect on the course learning outcomes and rubrics as well as your informal and more formal writing throughout the semester to complete this assignment well. An up-to-date and well-kept ePortfolio will be a big help for you here.
400-500 words: Start with a description and assessment of the beliefs about reading and writing and the reading and writing habits you brought with you from high school. Due: Nov. 28
- What expectations of college reading and writing did you have entering the semester? How accurate were they? How well did your entering reading and writing habits work this semester – both in ENG 122 and in other courses? What about reading and writing did you have to unlearn in order to be successful? What was it like being you having to leave old “rules” behind and try to develop the 7 habits of the creative mind? Be specific in your discussion of the habits: name them, define them, and provide evidence of your effort to acquire them.
- Integrate quotes from Habits of the Creative Mind, your Let’s Write journal entries, your informal essays (see the list of assignments here), and your Writing Lab Log in your discussion.
600 words: Write about the challenges you encountered writing the Pollan-Singer paper, the Writing to a Question paper, and the Creative Reading paper, and what you learned as you attempted to meet them. Spend some time describing your encounter with what you see as “the most challenging” activity (or activity sequence) of the semester. Due: Nov. 30
- What were your largest and least areas of growth regarding your writing process, reading process and integrating ideas with others?
- What new ideas about reading and writing did you have to learn to attempt these writing projects? To what degree did that new knowledge show up in the execution of your reading and writing projects? Tell stories about your experiences writing these papers that show the quality of your growth as consistent or uneven.
- Integrate quotes from the Learning Outcomes and Rubrics, the filled out rubrics from your conference, your Post-Conference Reports, your papers, your Writing Lab Log, They Say/I Say, and Habits of the Creative Mind
400 words: Write about what you learned from mistakes you made this semester and what it will take to be successful in next semester’s writing class. Tell stories about the mistakes you made and what you think you learned from them. Explain what reading and writing habits, skills, and knowledge will you need to improve on. Assess your patterns of engagement in the learning activities of the course using the expectations set out in the Engaged Learner rubric. Describe the changes will you need to make to be successful next semester. Due: Dec. 3