Reading Gee

James Paul Gee is a Mary Lou Fulton presidential professor of literacy studies at Arizona State. Gee played a role in the formation of a new field that which is the field of “New literacy studies.” He studies language, learning, and literacy in an integrated way. He is in touch with the digital world and how it affects these concepts. He wrote “Good Video Games and Good Learning” as well as “ Women as Gamers.” He explains how video games can be applied in K-12 classrooms cognitively socially and culturally. He has 14 reasons why video games have important learning principles


2 thoughts on “Reading Gee”

  1. Author and professor, James Paul Gee Takes the study of literature to a new level in an emerging field called the “new literacies.” Gee views literature and grammar in a different way. He explains language is complex and statements can be interpreted different ways based on how the statement is presented. Perfect grammar and perfect dialect do not always create a perfect way of presenting oneself. The right discourse is what is necessary. Discourse is how somebody carries themself, through tone/attitude, body language, dress, etc. It is different in all situations, the way one acts at school may be different from how they act at home, or even how a brother may act compared to a sister, There are thousands of discourses and every individual has more than just one.
    Discourses provide unity. People can be put into groups based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sex, and other discourses. Discourses give people a sense of solidarity, everyone has a different set of discourses which makes a person unique, however people share the same discourses which makes grouping possible.
    Discourses are not taught by lecturing students on how to act in situations. Discourses are learned through real word experiences with those who have a grasp on the concept, or have mastered this idea. Discourses are learned intentionally and unintentionally through primary stages of socialization and grow stronger from there.

  2. Discourse according to google is a written or spoken communication or debate. Gee defines more as having certain qualities that place people into certain groups. When talking about groups he means that they all have a certain aspect of someone’s life. For example some of my main discourses are student, son, brother, friend, and athlete. Those five things define me by giving me ways to act and how I talk or write.
    Discourses do many things for us. They put you in groupings with people similar to you and that you can form bonds with. Discourses also give you as a person defiance and kinda defines how you act around certain people. In order to be someone in the world you have to be built with many discourses.
    You get discourse by being on a team, liking certain things, being born into it, what race you are, if you are poor or rich, if you are lazy or hard-working. Discourse define us but you as a person also get to decide what discourse you are meant to have. In the end of it all discourses are like labels.

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