What I Learned About My Writing

When I really sit down and give myself time to write an effective paper on a range of situations, they usually turn out pretty good to me. Especially when I know that before college, I was never good at writing papers. What I learned about my writing skill during these two projects is two things. One of them is when I procrastinate and wait until the last minute to do these projects I usually get overwhelmed with the work and end up not finishing it. Which is something I must work on and better manage my time not only for English projects but for life in general. The second thing that I learned about my writing skill is that I do good when I get a head start on my work. Also, when I fully read the readings, re-read the text, and annotate text I find it easier to get something on paper about what I’m going to write. Something that I need to start working on is prewriting. Even though, I don’t prewrite I annotate a lot which makes up for it. When I start writing papers without being under stress, I tend to elaborate more on what I’m writing. I do a good job at introducing the topic and then explaining the authors thoughts on the topic. After that I find good quotes to support the authors thoughts on the topic. Then I explain my thoughts on the topic and then explain whether or not I agree or disagree with the authors point of view. Lastly, I usually finish up the paragraph with my own experience to the topic and basically try to connect with the topic giving my readers a better understanding of my writing. I do this whole process a couple of times until I think my paper is solid enough, then finish it off with a conclusion. Once I finish my paper, I usually get feedback on it telling me what I need and don’t need. Then I take that into consideration and make those changes in my paper. If I was to rate my prewriting practice it would be not to good. My drafting process is good and so is my revision process. My final editing process is excellent to me. 




Then I take that into consideration and make those changes in my paper. If I was to rate my prewriting practice it would be not to good. My drafting process is good and so is my revision process. My final editing process is excellent to me.