Plan of Action

My solution to a lot of my problems is simple, I just need to focus up and get what I need to do done. It is as simple as that. I am not blaming my hard ships and rough start on the fact that these past couple months have been the hardest months of my life. Which may had a chain effect or a trickle down effect on how I act in the classroom or while doing homework. I will not go in to what I have been trying to cope with but its not cool or fun at all.

One thing that really needs to improve is my reading process, first things first, I need to start printing out the damn papers I am assigned to annotate, then I need to read the given set amount of pages and annotate like my teacher asks for. This will also be a huge help when trying to do my writing and also it will help critiquing my own work as long as with others as well.

I already know I have exactly what it takes to ace this course because I did well last semester with the same professor. I just have to get my priorities straight and attack them.