What vision of the future have academics and scholars pinned on Hawaii’s high-rate of intermarriage? On what facts and hopes have they based this vision? In Olson’s view, how likely is their vision of a racially-mixed future to be accurate?
The vision academics and scholars are predicting is that in the future Hawaii could have everyone have same general physical characteristics and that would almost make a whole new “race”. They based it off the fact of about half of the population is mixed and the rate of interracial marriages is only increasing. He thinks is it’s a possibility but he doesn’t think it would a bring racism.
What are the implications for “ethnic thinking” of recent genetic research showing that “every group is a mixture of many previous groups, a fleeting collection of genetic variants drawn from a shared genetic legacy” (253)?
The implications are that the people that are mixed are going to lose some of the culture from their older generation. But they will be creating their own culture because they will be so diverse genetically and also potentiality diverse culturally.