PRO TIP: There are 3 tasks this weekend. Space out your work.
Task 1 – Engage “The Art of Quoting” – About 40 minutes
- Take the pre-test for “The Art of Quoting” before reading the chapter.
- Read and annotate “The Art of Quoting” in They Say/I Say.
- Study for “The Art of Quoting” post-test. Please paraphrase all answers to the questions by putting your answers in your own words. Because direct quotations don’t provide indications of your understanding, direct quotations will not be accepted as correct answers on the post-test.
- Test your understanding by taking “The Art of Quoting” post-test without using your book. Print out your answers before submitting them and use your book to check them. If you got any wrong, study some more, then take the test again.
Task 2a – Engage the Lumina Foundation’s “Degree Qualifications Profile” – Part 1 – About 40 minutes
- Preview the DQP test before reading “The Degree Qualifications Profile”
- Print, read, and annotate p. 12 and 29-31 of “The Degree Qualifications Profile.” Use the images below to make sure you’re reading and annotating the right pages.
- Study for the DQP test to be taken in class on Monday. I recommend applying some of these study techniques and then printing out the DQP test and giving yourself a self-test without using the readings. After your self-test, check your answers against the readings and do some more studying on the questions you missed.

Task 2b – Engage the Lumina Foundation’s “Degree Qualifications Profile” – Part 2 – About 40 minutes
PRO TIP: Study for the DQP test and review Barnett, Nussbaum, and Ungar before starting this paper.
Learning Targets: writing fast, informal writing for comprehension and thinking new thoughts, summary with a point, working with the words of others, signal phrasing and voice marking, paraphrase, introducing and explaining quotations
Target word count: 600 words or more
Submit as an attachment to an email or share the document with me.
Write an informal paper in which you accomplish the following tasks:
- First explain to a reader unfamiliar with any of the readings in our class a) what the DQP is and why it matters and b) what the five essential areas of learning are.
- Next, explain what one of the following writers – Ronald Barnett, Martha Nussbaum, or Sanford Ungar – would think about the DQP and why. You must choose a different writer than the one you wrote about in preparation for Friday’s class. So, for example, if you wrote about Nussbaum last time, you must choose between Barnett and Ungar this time. To decide what these writers would say about the DQP, try to pull back the curtains on their values. By this, I mean focus on why they want college students to be able to do what they want them to and compare those reasons to why the DQP wants students to be able to do what it wants them to. You’ll need to included direct quotations and paraphrased passages from your chosen writer and the DQP in this segment of your paper.
- Finally, describe how you’re own thinking about the purposes of a college education has evolved since you have been engaging the ideas of Barnett, Nussbuam, Ungar, and the authors of the Degree Qualifications Profile. Use paraphrase and direct quotations to shine the spotlight on the ideas in their work that have been surprising or eye-opening for you. Explain the ways their ideas are different from the one’s you held before you came to college and explain how their ideas will shape your approach to your learning this year.
PRO TIP: This an informal paper. The purpose of writing it is to develop your thinking around these issues by working closely with the materials you have to think about them with. So don’t worry if your paper doesn’t “flow” as you move from segment to segment. That can come later.