Rose Not Understanding Q’s

What Rose means by this quote is that when he does not understand something he would start to day dream something he could understand. Which is normal for most kids who struggle to understand something. “I couldn’t keep up and started day dreaming to avoid my inadequacy.” I personally use to struggle a lot in school and it use to make me frustrated that I could not grasp what lesson were being taught so usually I would day dream of a place were everything was clear to me. What Rose struggle to understand was math he was never really that good at it was caused him to day dream all the time. The people of South LA that was strange to Rose was usually the people who did certain things that did not make sense to him. For example, his teachers was probably strange to him because they would hit him occasionally for random reason.




What Rose means by this quote is that when he does not understand something he would start to day dream something he could understand. Which is normal for most kids who struggle to understand something. I personally use to struggle a lot in school and it use to make me frustrated that I could not grasp what lesson were being taught so usually I would day dream of a place were everything was clear to me. What Rose struggle to understand was math he was never really that good at it was caused him to day dream all the time.