Blackness Project Film Paper

In the NY time article, there were variation of people who were compliance with the “white” work force and some who challenged it. As I read these people stories of what challenges they faced these three categories came about assumption, behavior, and counter –behavior.  These assumptions come about when white people assume that minorities in the work force automatically have a job that’s low Maintenace or not as important when it comes to their job. Behavior is how white people in the work force want minorities act and these minorities accept thing for what they are and change the way they are for their job. Lastly, counter behaviors are the opposite of behaviors. This is when minorities in the work force don’t change who they are as a person for their job.  

In the blackness project film, it conveyed how people felt about race, racism, and people in general. One person explained how racism affected his life big time and explained how that everything that he did he had to do accordingly and efficient or else it would be his demise. He also explains why the black youth doesn’t understand the importance of racism. It’s because this is a new era and the problems that he had faced with racism back then is not as much of a problem for the black youth today. Young Bryon is a prime example of racism not being as much as a problem to him as it was to the old man. Bryon explain how he had never really thought about racism simple because he hadn’t really experience it.  

The main point of the whole blackness project film is obviously to project the message of treating everybody equal especially black people. One person in the film had an incident with a white lady being racist towards him simply because he started up his truck to leave and it scared the white lady child, so she started to be very rude towards the African American. This incident went viral because it was being record by the African American man and he end up on the news explaining what happen. The news people asked him how he felt about what happened and was he mad about it. He then explains, how he was not mad but disappointed because the lady did that in front of her child teaching her the wrong way to act towards people that is different from her.  

What that white lady did was her explaining how she basically hated that man for being different from her and wanted him to not look the way he did which is black. Now that’s pure ignorance at its best if you ask me. That is exactly why Yoshio explains, “The universality of the covering demand, however, is also a potential boon for civil rights advocates. I too worry about our current practice of fracturing into groups, each clamoring for state and social solicitude. For this reason, I do not think we can move forward by focusing on the old-fashioned group-based identity politics. We must instead build a new civil rights paradigm on what draws us together rather than on what drives us apart. Because covering applies to us all.” To protect the civil rights of people facing societal demands to cover we as a society have to come together and inform everyone about this issue. The more aware people are the better it would be to stop this social demand society has. A great way to really get the word out about social demand to society is to have it trend on social media. Society loses so much when people feels as though they have to hide who they are as a person. Also, society loses originality and all the good ideas people could have but we miss out on this because people are probably too afraid to share what their thinking. However, if people didn’t cover who they are, society has so much to gain from it. People wouldn’t feel scared to share their ideas and who they are as a person because everyone would be treated equal and it wouldn’t matter who you are as a person.