Homework due Tuesday Oct. 22 at 11:59 pm

Engage Kahneman

Learning targets: active critical reading strategies, summary, prewriting

  1. Preview the questions on the quiz for Daniel Kahneman’s “Don’t Blink! The Hazards of Confidence.”
  2. Read this brief article on how to segment a reading into chunks.
  3. Print, read and annotate Kahneman’s “Don’t Blink! The Hazards of Confidence.
    • There are five chunks in the Kahneman reading. Draw lines separating one chunk from another in your printout of the Kahneman reading.
    • To annotate means to summarize the gist of each page. Circle any important concepts or keywords. Write down any questions you have. Put a question mark next to anything you don’t understand. Make notes that connect what Kahneman is saying to your own experiences making judgments, predictions, and decisions.
    • Take notes on the guided-notetaking handout I distributed in class on Monday. If you didn’t get it, just print out the quiz and use it to take notes on.
  4. Write a brief paragraph (2-3 sentences max) summarizing each of the 5 “chunks” of the Kahneman article.
  5. Study in preparation for the quiz. You should be able to answer the questions on the quiz from memory before concluding that you are finished studying.
  6. Post photos of at least three pages of your annotations and your guided notes on your ePortfolio.

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