Category: ENG 123
Question 1: Coates describes the American Dream as “The most gorgeous dream” (pg.11). He uses a memorial day cookout and the smell of peppermint to exhibit his thoughts on the dream. He says “The dream smells like peppermint but takes like strawberry shortcake (pg.11). I think he is saying the American Dream sounds good but …
Coates Questions
Coates portray the American Dream as a place where everyone comes together and having a good time. It’s memorial day and there’s cookouts, block associations, and in the dream it smells like peppermints but taste like strawberries. It’s the best place to be with the perfect houses and lawns. What Coates means by that quote […] Read More …
When Coates says “The Dream… wars with the real world” I personally think that he means that this dream seems so unreal when you come to a realization of what the world really is then it all disappears, and he says war because everytime this realization comes to his mind the real world always wins, …
Essay 3 prewriting activity
How does Coates portray the American Dream? What does he mean when he says that, for him, “The Dream…wars with the known world” (p. 11)? You’ll need to pull together quotes from multiple locations in the reading to answer this question fully. Coates talks about how a long time ago as Americans we caused destruction and how “its …
Essay 3 prewriting
02-17-2019 In the article, Coates explains how the American Dream was built on the destruction of black bodies. As he speaks throughout the article, he gives many different descriptions of those who were harmed for being black. “And you have seen men in the same uniform pummel Merlene Pinnock, someone’s grandmother on the side of a …
Between the world and me questions.
on page 11 when he is talking about his dream he is saying in his dream “there is perfect houses with nice lawns. It is Memorial Day cookouts, block associations, and driveways. The dream is treehouses and cub scouts….. when he is talking about the American dream he wants everyone to be happy and to …