Yoshino – Pre Writing Activity part 2

Yoshino brings up two points, one is “The liberty Paradigm and the Equality Paradigm”, The “Liberty Paradigm,” Yoshino says is “Liberty Claims, on the other hand, emphasize what all Americans (or more precisely within the jurisdiction of the United States) have in common.” What Yoshino is basically saying in here is that if you are an American citizen you have the right to be who you want to be without restrictions, the word “Liberty” according to Google dictionary means, “The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s way of life, behavior, or political views.” When these state representatives trying and make it illegal to be gay or black it literally goes against the constitution, liberty is also mentioned in the last six words of the Pledge of Allegiance, “… with liberty and justice for all.” So if you know the Pledge of Allegiance then you should know that it goes against the constitution to discriminate someone wanting to be “… free within society…” this also means you can be whatever you want so long you are a “… within the jurisdiction of the United States)…” The Equality Paradigm is a harder one to answer because it is closely related to the Liberty Paradigm. Equality is suppressed because white men in power wanted to stay powerful, the reason gays or lesbians weren’t accepted because white men in power said its not right for same-sex intimacy even though same-sex intimacy would fall under the word Liberty. Congressmen made laws to make it illegal for same-sex intimacy and also politically influenced their followers to dislike same-sex intimacy as well. I will use the case of “Lawrence v. Texas”, “the Supreme Court struck down a Texas statute that criminalized same-sex sodomy.” The court didn’t strike down the Texans statute for equality reasons they stuck it down because “It held that the statute violated the fundamental right of all persons – straight, gay, or otherwise – to control our intimate sexual relations.” These threads prove that Yoshinos “Equality paradigm” is the least important Paradigm he has, these threads prove that Yoshinos “Liberty Paradigm” is the most important Paradigm he has because it is written in the constitution. The constitution is what kept Texas from making “… same-sex sodomy.” Illegal, not based on “… the equality rights of gays.” But it was found to be unconstitutional to try and control The Peoples sexual relations.