I just Wanna Be Average – Prewriting 2

Ryan DeLuca

Feb 26, 2019

ENG 123

Dr. Drown

I Just Wanna Be Average – Prewriting 2

Rose states that he “… defended himself against the lessons he couldn’t understand…” What I think he means is he defended himself against the lessons that he thought weren’t useful to him, to prove this my point Rose say’s “All the hours in class tend to blend into one long, vague stretch of time.” This is something I can relate to, when I am in class and I don’t see any significant value in what is being taught I doze off and start thinking about other things, and sometimes words that the teacher says control what I think about, for example, if I am dozing off and the teacher mentions the word “fixing” my mind would travel to what I have to fix on my truck or ATV. More than I would like to admit I have to pull myself back into concentration. What Rose couldn’t understand was the real-world applications for what the teacher was teaching, I know because I’ve been there I have a hard time learning something if I can’t see a real-world application that will benefit me. For example, I don’t think I will ever need to know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell when I am trading on the New York stock exchange or what alcohol does to a water flees heart rate that stuff will be useless to me and Rose was thinking the same thing when learning about breaking up sentences and adverbs. I am not sure what was strange about the people around him, could have been they all weren’t dreamers like him and he might have thought it was strange that everyone was hypnotized by the school curriculum