Steve Olson – Prewriting 2

Ryan DeLuca

March 21st, 2019

ENG 123

Dr. Drown

Steve Olson – Prewriting 2

The reason it is difficult to answer the questions whether someone is pure Hawaiian is difficult, Rebecca Cann explains why it is difficult to tell if someone’s ethnicity “The only way for a person to have mitochondrial DNA from a woman who lived in Hawaii before the arrival of Captain cook is for that person to have an unbroken line of grandmothers dating back to that woman.” Since present day Hawaiians are so mixed it’s difficult for geneticists like Cann to find their ethnicity because the DNA is so mixed and intertwined with so many other ethnicities.

The concept of race was created by humans to classify people to help organize people. Race according to biologists and geneticists isn’t real and is just a concept created by humans. Race is used a lot in politics to gain followers, certain parties use race in their campaign and say they will address the race problem. Some current presidential runners use race to attack the economy by calling it “racist” even though our system is fair game you just have to know how to use it. Another example of politicians using race to push them selves ahead by promising free everything and calming that the rich should be responsible for solving everyone’s problems. Politics has a very large influence on keeping Race alive because they keep talking about it and making it an issue